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Plan (draft) of Enacting the Environmental Health Act

Due to the occurrence of global environmental issues, many countries advanced the ideas of ecological city and healthy city so as to achieve the objective of sustainable development. With the economic growth in Taiwan, the people emphasized more on the protection of environment. In the light of living environment and public areas, the environmental sanitation has become one of major requisite works. In order to ensure the health of humanity and excellent living environment, the regulations and laws have been stipulated to improve the environmental sanitation so that the objective of healthy environment could be achieved by the government. The study has collected several domestic and international regulations and laws regarding to the environmental sanitation, which were analyzed to clearly stipulate the civil rights and obligation and functioned as the base of legislation. The major works that completed in the plan were listed as follows: (1 ) Accomplish the comparison and analysis of the contents of regulations and laws regarding domestic and international environmental sanitation. (2) Stipulate the scope of management of environmental sanitation. It attempted to stipulate the scope that adapted to our customs based on the information and structure of domestic and international relevant regulations and laws. (3) Convene the seminars that could attract numerious professional scholars. It aimed to discuss the contents of draft and legislation structure of environmental sanitation act in order to achieve the ultimate goal of legislation. (4) Complete the stipulation of draft of environmental sanitation act In a word, the improvement of environmental sanitation and the enhancement of living standard surely relied on the legislation of environmental sanitation act, which aimed to stress on the responsibilities that should be taken by various levels of government and organizations pertaining to the protection of environmental sanitation. The ultimate objective of improving the environmental sanitation could be achieved through the execution of administrative system and integration of such social resources as civil associations, corporations and volunteers.
Environmental Health, Environmental Protection, Environmental Health Act